Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

25th March 2024


Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”


Easter Holiday Club


Please sign up via the Sports Coaching Group website to access Easter Holiday Club.  We are aware of issues for provision for under 5s and we are continuing to explore potential solutions. 


After- School Club Pricing


As our wraparound care has seen a significant increase in numbers it has become crucial that we know in advance how many we are expecting to take advantage of the provision on each day. This is for purposes of appropriate levels of both staffing and catering, which sometimes has to be increased quickly and at short notice at the last moment when numbers are much higher than anticipated.  To reflect this, prices for children not booked on in advance will increase by £3 per day for breakfast club and £5 per day for after-school club from Monday 8th April.

For bookings made by 1.30pm on the day the provision is required all prices will remain unchanged


Feed the Hungry Hand to Hand Foodpacking Event.


We have once again partnered with the Parish Church of St John the Baptist and Feed the Hungry to complete a food packing event. Parents, children and staff will be joined by members of the church community and the village community in an attempt to pack 20,000 meals that will be sent to feed children in extreme poverty across the world. We are hoping to raise additional funds on the day. These can be sent to a community that we have supported and visited before in Kibera, Kenya.

Barlaston First School 27th April 2024

Sessions 10:30am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-2:30pm

Volunteers can use this link or scan the QR code to sign up.

Alternatively, you can contact Sarah Broome for more information.

Donations can also be forwarded to Steve Parkhouse at St John’s Church marked with Kibera Appeal.

Thank you for your continued support.


Records of Achievement


Thank you to all those who came up to share our first Records of Achievement Day with us.  The issues of the folders not arriving in time didn’t spoil a lovely morning.  Our next one will be held in the second half of the summer term, when we will definitely have the folders!


Football Club


We are extremely grateful to Mark Hackney, one of our Year 4 parents for volunteering to run a football club through the summer term, and possibly to manage our team(s) in inter-school fixtures and festivals too.  The football club will be open to Years 2- 4 initially and will take place from 4.30pm to 5.30pm on Thursday evenings from 11 April.  Thank you Mark.




The following Clubs will open at 7pm tonight

Eco Club-Monday

Years 1-4

Mrs Edge

3.30pm – 4.30pm

STEM Club-Tuesday

Years 1-4

Mrs Broome

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Football Club-Thursday

Years 2-4

Mr Hackney

4.30pm – 5.30pm

Book Club-Friday

Years 2-4

Mr Mellor

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Performing Arts clubs will also run for Early Years on Wednesdays and all other year groups on Fridays.

Clubs will run from Monday 8th April to Friday 17th May. However, there will be NO CLUBS week commencing 29th April due to our Year 4 Residential at Standon Bowers.


Recording School Performances


A reminder that any photographs or recordings taken of school performances mustn’t be shared on any form of social media.  We have several children in school who must not have their image shared.  Thank you for your co-operation in this very important area.


Good Friday


A reminder of the Good Friday Workshop in church.  Please go along and join in the fun.





Summer Term Dates

We return to school at 8.45am on Monday 8th April for the beginning of the summer term. Other dates that we are so far aware of are set out below.  Further dates will be added as we become aware of them.

From everyone at school, have a wonderful Easter break. 


Mr J Gordon


Dates for the Diary


Summer Term 2024

8 April

Summer Term begins 8.45am

8 April

Teacher Led Clubs begin

(Saturday) 27 April

Feed the Hungry Food Packing Event 10am

29 April – 1 May

Year 4 Residential – Standon Bowers

3 May

Staff Development Day – School Closed to children

6 May

Spring Bank Holiday – School Closed

17 May

Sports Day 1.30pm

24 May

(Reserve) Sports Day 1.30pm

24 May

Break for Half Term

3 June

Return to school 8.45am

7 June

Records of Achievement Afternoon 2.15pm

25 June

Key Stage 1 Afternoon Performance 2.15pm

26 June

Key Stage 1 Evening Performance 6.15pm

9 July

Key Stage 2 Afternoon Performance 2pm

10 July

Key Stage 2 Evening Performance 6.15pm

19 July

Year 4 Leavers Picnic 12.30pm

19 July

End of Year Service 9am in Church

19 July

Break for the Summer

2 & 3 September

Staff Development Days – School Closed to Children

4 September

Autumn Term Starts 8.45am


2024/25 School Term and Holiday Dates

Staff Development Days

(School Closed to Children)


2nd and 3rd September

School Opens to Children

Wednesday 4th September

Half Term

28th October – 1st November

Staff Development Day

School Closed to Children


Monday 4th November

Christmas Break

23rd December – 3rd January

Spring 2025

School Opens

Monday 6th January 2025

Half Term

17th- 21st  February 2025

Easter Break

14th – 25th April 2025

Summer 2025

School Opens

Monday 28th April 2025

Staff Development Day

(School Closed to Children)


Friday 2nd May 2025

May Bank Holiday

Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term

26th – 30th May 2025

Last Day of Summer Term

Friday 17th July 2025