Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

19 January 2024


Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”


Records of Achievement

We are no longer bringing home certificates into our celebration family worships. Instead we will hold a “Records of Achievement” day, initially termly.  Children will be provided with a folder and asked to bring in all of their certificates, photographs and mementos from places you’ve visited to put in their Records of Achievement folder. Parents and carers will be invited into classrooms to join in with this.  Our first Records of Achievement day will be Friday 22nd March and will be held in school after the Easter Service. I will provide more specific times in due course.


Wraparound Care

Numbers in our breakfast and after school clubs are rising rapidly.  We need children to be booked in in advance for staffing and catering purposes. The booking process remains the same, but the breakfast and after-school provision now has its own email address for any queries.


 Phone: 07591 918 955


All wraparound care users will be asked to complete a registration form with up to date details.  These will be sent out next week.


Squirrels and Badgers

Please don’t allow your children run up and down grass bank behind the Squirrel and Badger classrooms.  I understand how tempting it is, but part of it is intended to be an unspoilt wild area and the remainder will very shortly be in much more regular use as we develop our curriculum further. Thank you for your co-operation.




School Uniform

A polite reminder to ensure that your child is wearing school uniform each day.  We do have a large selection of pre-loved items at school.  We are trying to promote a more sustainable approach generally and it would be great to see the items we have being put to good use.



Teacher-led clubs will start again after the half term break.


Dates for the Diary


Monday 5th February

Children’s Mental Health Week – Details to follow

Friday 9th February

Break for Half Term

Monday 19th February

Return to School 8.45am

Tuesday 20th February

Parents Evening – Details to follow

Wednesday 21st February


Parents Evening – Details to follow

Monday 26th February

Teacher led clubs recommence

Thursday 7th March

World Book Day- Details to follow

Monday March 11th

Science Week – Details to follow

Monday March 11th

Early Years Disco – Details to follow

Tuesday March 12th

Key Stage 1 Disco – Details to follow

Wednesday 13th

Key Stage 2 Disco – Details to follow

Tuesday 19th March

Squirrels and Badgers Easter Performance 2pm

Wednesday 20th March

Squirrels and Badgers Easter Performance 6.15pm

Friday 22nd March

Easter Service in Church 9am

Friday 22nd March

Records of Achievement Morning

Friday 22nd March

Break for Easter

Monday 8th April

Return to School for Summer Term 8.45am



Mr J Gordon