Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

1st December 2023

Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”

NSPCC Safe Aware Day

We had a lovely day last Friday all dressed in green and learning about staying safe in a wide range of situations.  Thank you to all those who came to the coffee afternoon to look at what the children had been doing throughout the week.

Holiday Club

There will be no holiday club from 27-29 December, but the club will run from Tuesday 2nd January to Friday 5th January. Please book in by email or telephone to the school office by Tuesday 19th December to enjoy the booking discount.

After School Club

A reminder that after-school club hours are 3.30pm – 5.45pm.

Parent Governors

Votes will be counted at 9.15am next Friday morning for the election of our two new parent governors.  The result will be included in next week’s newsletter.

Dougie Mac Christmas Jumper Day

Come wearing your Christmas jumper / top. 


Our Christingle service will take place at 9am on Friday 22nd December.  Some confusion seems to have arisen, I think because of how it appears on the email version of the newsletter.

Dates for the Diary

8th December

Dougie Mac Christmas Jumper Day

11th December

EY Nativity Performance – Details to follow

12th December

School Theatre Trip – Details to follow

15th December

Christmas Hamper Raffle Draw in Family Worship

20th December

Christmas Dinner Day

22nd December

 Christingle Service in Church 9am

Christmas Party Day

School Closes for Christmas 

Monday 8th January

School Opens 8.45 am



Mr J Gordon